ContactPad is the main interface that agents use when making and receiving calls through Vonage Contact Center.


Depending on which features are enabled for your account, ContactPad has three or four tabs that show information relevant to your agents and their calls. By default, there are just three: home, information, and queue.

Home tab

ContactPad home tab

The home tab contains:

The bottom of the home tab contains two buttons:

Information tab

ContactPad information tab

The information tab contains:

At the bottom of ContactPad, two buttons appear:

If agents are using ContactPad in Salesforce, they will have an additional feature in the information tab. For more information, see ContactPad in Salesforce.

Queue tab

ContactPad queue tab

The queue tab displays the number of calls waiting in the queues the agent is serving, based on their groups. The number also appears in the tab's tab for quick reference.

If agents are using skills based routing, the number includes calls that the agent can answer because the agent has all the mandatory skills, and calls that are in their personal queue (as well as sharing a service group). The number does not include calls that agents could answer only because a mandatory skill has expired, or because the personal queue has expired.


Success messages—when you have successfully changed a setting, for example—or error messages—when you try to make a call to an invalid number, for example—appear as toasts at the top of ContactPad.

ContactPad success messageContactPad error message

Clicking the x removes the message, or the message disappear automatically after a few seconds.