What is agreement based routing?

Traditionally interactions are routed to the longest waiting agent. With skills based routing, Vonage Contact Center routes all types of interactions to the agents who are best equipped to handle them. Agreement based routing enhances skills based routing. With agreement based routing, Vonage Contact Center prioritizes interactions, according to the configured service level agreement (SLA) for a virtual queue. A virtual queue is a group of interactions requiring a specific combination of skills. For information about virtual queues, service levels, and SLAs, see Virtual Queues. Vonage Contact Center aims to route all interactions to keep in line with SLAs.

You must have agreement based routing enabled for your account to use this feature.

SLAs include a target answer time, a target percentage and required skills. The following settings mean that Vonage Contact Center must route the 80% of interactions to an agent within 60 seconds. This service level agreement applies to interactions that require French and Service skills.

When an interaction arrives, Vonage Contact Center looks for an SLA that corresponds to the required skills. Vonage Contact Center then compares that SLA to the current service level. Vonage Contact Center makes a routing decision for this interaction. The routing decision depends on whether the current service level meets or misses the service level agreement.

Other factors influence the routing of an interaction. Such factors include whether the interaction is in an agent's personal queue or the required skills are mandatory or expiring. SLAs contribute to the score that Vonage Contact Center assigns to an interaction. The resulting score ultimately determines when and where Vonage Contact Center routes the interaction.

If you want to route interactions in line with SLAs, you must have already configured skill based routing. For information about configuring skills based routing, see Setting up skills based routing. You must then use the Virtual Queues area to create and edit virtual queues and set SLAs for these virtual queues. For information about creating and editing virtual queues and their SLAs, see Configuring virtual queues.

For information about how you can view and monitor virtual queues and their SLAs, see Monitoring agreements.

To use agreement based routing, you should not need to change your interaction plan. If you have any Set SLA applets in your call plan, these applets no longer have any effect on routing interactions.