For a full description of these features, please see the Summer '16 Release Notes.

Performing at Scale

We know it's not easy running a business, and as you scale it only becomes harder. One focus of the features in our Summer Release is to make your life easier by simplifying the configuration of recently released features. It is now more effortless than ever to maximize the efficiency of your teams and experience of your customers.

 ContactWorld for SalesContactWorld for Service
Dynamic Personal Queues    
Dynamic Skill Tagger    

Dynamic Voice
Message Settings

SOQL Data Retriever


Interaction Architect
Applet Search

Simplifying the Interaction Architect

Using the Interaction Architect is an instrumental part of your everday operations - vital for the initial setup and for reacting to changing circumstances. As a result, it is crucial for the Interaction Architect to be as easy and clear to use as possible. Part of the focus of the Summer Release has been to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the constant effort to provide a simple Interaction Architect – because we want to reduce effort and make your life as easy as we can.

Maximizing Team Efficiency

One of the most important parts of running a business is minimizing the amount of time spent on tasks that need to be done, but don’t directly result in your success. Even better is when we can automate those jobs altogether. With this in mind we have made several developments in the Summer Release that make sure that your teams spend as much time doing what they doing best, and as little on the rest as possible.

 ContactWorld for SalesContactWorld for Service

Personalized Number

Dynamic Dialer

Integration with Salesforce
Omni-channel Presence


SLA Optimizer


Optimizing Inbound Contact Handling

In the Summer Release we’re introducing a couple of new ways to make the way you handle your inbound traffic easier. We’re introducing our integration with Salesforce® Omni-Channel allowing you to have a single pool of agents servicing both Omni-Channel interactions and ContactWorld interactions. We’re also introducing new features to help you hit your SLAs across the day as
demand changes.

Boosting the Effectiveness of your Outbound Teams

Coming in the Summer Release are a number of enhancements to improve how easy it is to manage your outbound team. A new point and click UI for configuration of your personalized number presentation rules makes it easier than ever to manage, and improvements to our dynamic dialer now make setup and management much simpler on an ongoing basis.

Improving User Experience

The easier it is for your agents to do their job, the better the customer experience. This release we’ve focused on removing barriers to information, streamlining processes and improving the agent interface.

 ContactWorld for SalesContactWorld for Service

Improve Connect
User Experience

Call Recording Access
for Agents

Auto Answer for
WebRTC Users

Relate a Call to
Multiple Objects

Log a Call
Lightning Styled
Extended Agent

Intelligent Communications Platform

At the forefront of the service we provide is the revolutionary cloud technology that forms the infrastructure of ContactWorld. Along with ongoing work to maintain our high level of service, we have been working on using more sophisticated tools and improving global capabilities.

 ContactWorld for SalesContactWorld for Service

Call Quality Logging

Simple and Secure Salesforce Linking

Password Policy

New Agent Login

New User
Welcome Emails