The POST /v1/digitalsession endpoint initiates a secure, digital payment session.

Data, including transaction amount, currency and card holder information can be passed in the request body to pre-populate the payment service with data. This accelerates the payment process and prevents the agent from needing to manually collect and enter payment and card holder information.


Header parameters in Requests (Payment API) apply to this endpoint.

Authorization scopes supported:


Access granted


Entire endpoint

Request body parameters

The endpoint accepts the following body parameters:



The agent’s ID that is used to identify which agent created the session. This field is mandatory when the API is called by the agent’s backend system. If the API is called client side by the agent’s browser it’s set automatically.


DictionaryTruesee example request

Supplies basic payment data such as card holder’s name, payment amount, currency, and so on. The actual contents depend on the payment gateway used to process the payment and fields that are contracted between the payment service provider and the merchant.



An optional field used to select an alternative payment account configuration such as a different payment flow or another payment gateway. The accountConfigurationId is a value provisioned on the VCC account and is used to map to a payment configuration if the account has multiple configurations.

Example request

   "agentId": "agent12345",
   "paymentData": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "Surname": "Smith",
      "Email": "",
      "Street1": "Hubska 52",
      "City": "Wroclaw",
      "Postcode": "50-348",
      "Country": "GB",
      "Amount": "12.40",
      "Currency": "GBP",
      "CustomerPhoneNumber": "+48500000000",
      "MerchantReferenceCode": "0123456789098760"


Responses to the POST /v1/digitalsession return a collection of data including the session identifier, PCI payment session identifier, and data used to open the payment UI iframe.

Successful response

Success response code and parameters apply to a successful response.

Example response

   "sessionGuid": "c97f86c0-4586-4ba6-adc7-e0072f7f1601",
   "agentAccessToken": "eyJ0...Nvtr",
   "agentRefreshToken": "f9d8...c999",
   "iframeUrl": "https://<payment host URL>/view/59aab1be-d652-426e-a7a8-1bf4ca15e2ab/framed",
   "providerSessionGuid": "59aab1be-d652-426e-a7a8-1bf4ca15e2ab"

Each response contains the following parameters: