An agent’s payment UI is served by the PCI services vendor (e.g. PCI Pal). You can configure the UI to load in a webpage iframe or in an embedded browser.

UI in an iframe

To configure the UI to open in an iframe, create a dynamic form that submits two input values to the iframeUrl location. The form requires the following data:

For example:

<iframe name="paymentframe" src="about:blank"></iframe>
<form action="https://<payment host URL>/view/59aab1be-d652-426e-a7a8-1bf4ca15e2ab/framed" id="initForm" target="paymentframe" method="POST">
  <input name="X-BEARER-TOKEN" value="eyJ0...Nvtr" type="hidden">
  <input name="X-REFRESH-TOKEN" value="f9d8...c999" type="hidden">

UI in an embedded browser

To configure the UI to open in an embedded browser, then open the URL specified in the iframeUrl parameter returned by the request to the POST /v1/session (Create agent assist session) endpoint with the following headers: