In this page


Why can't I see Historical Analytics in the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) admin portal menu?

If you cannot see Historical Analytics in the VCC admin portal menu, you do not have access to Historical Analytics. Historical Analytics is licensed-based and each user needs to have either a viewer or a creator license. For information about configuring users, please contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager.

What does the following message mean: You are not authenticated to view this page?

This message may appear for one of the following reasons:



Supported browsers

Looker supports the current and previous major releases of the following browsers:

Each time a new browser version is released, Looker supports the newest version and stops supporting the third most recent version.

Private browsing mode

Historical Analytics does not work in private browsing (or incognito) mode. In private browsing mode, your user cannot be authenticated and cannot view dashboards.