The Agent performance - login/logout details dashboard presents the agents' ContactPad presence and absence details for the selected time. Information includes logged in/logged out times, durations of being logged in/logged out, and presence state details grouped by presence state.

At the top of the dashboard, you can set global filters for this dashboard:

Logged in tile

The Logged in tile displays the times when the agent became present in ContacPad (Ready, Ready for Outbound, Ready (Offline), Away or ExtendedAway presence state). These events are not always equal to the VCC login activity.

The Logged in tile contains the following columns:

Logged out tile

The Logged out tile displays the times when the agent became absent in ContacPad (LoggedOut presence state). These events are not always equal to the VCC login activity.

The Logged out tile contains the following columns:

Logged in duration tile

The Logged in duration tile displays details about the agent being present in ContactPad (Ready, Ready for Outbound, Ready (Offline), Away, or ExtendedAway presence state). It displays both completed and ongoing agent's ContactPad presence. 

The Logged in duration tile contains the following columns:

Logged out duration tile

The Logged out duration tile displays details about the agent being absent in ContactPad (LoggedOut presence state). It displays both completed and ongoing agent's ContactPad absence. 

The Logged out duration tile contains the following columns:

Agent presence state details tile

The Agent presence state details tile displays details about handled internal interactions broken down by average ringing, connected, and wrap up durations. 

The Agent presence state details tile contains the following columns: