The POST /users/self/passwordPolicy endpoint gets a list of password policy rules for the user making the request.


Header parameters in Requests (User Admin API) apply to this endpoint.

Authorization scopes supported:

ScopeAccess granted
users:writeEntire endpoint
self:writeEntire endpoint


Request a list of queue permissions for the user

curl -L -X GET "https://***" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v4+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"


Responses contain a list of all password policy rules for requesting user.

Successful response

Successful requests return a 200 Success code and the created user.

Example response

  "expires": true,
  "expiresAfterDays": 30,
  "rules": {
    "minLength": 4,
    "minLowerCase": 1,
    "minUpperCase": 1,
    "minDigits": 1,
    "minSpecialChars": 1
  "changeable": true
