This information is only applicable to calls, not other types of interactions.

Many of the applets in an interaction plan play audio files to the caller. Types of audio files include announcements, music, whispers, and prompts that IVR applets play to tell the caller which key to press to select a specified menu item, for example.

Recording audio 

If you want to record your own audio files, to ensure the quality of your recordings, follow these basic rules:

Preparing audio

When you have finished recording your audio files, you must prepare the files for use in Vonage Contact Center. To prepare the files, using recording software, perform the following tasks:

You can now upload your audio file as described in the appropriate applet or applets.

You cannot upload audio messages that the Data Announcer applets use. Send these files to Vonage Contact Center to upload. For information about using custom audio files in the Data Announcer applet, see Announcements in the Announcer applet.