Analytics dashboards are made up of individual tiles. Each tile displays chosen data in the chosen form.


To access Analytics, you need to have a Viewer or Creator license. Depending on which license you have, you can perform different tasks in Analytics.

Access Analytics (tick)(tick)
View dashboards(tick)(tick)
Filter data in dashboard(tick)(tick)
Download dashboard(tick)(tick)
Schedule delivery of dashboard(tick)(tick)
Create dashboard
Copy dashboard
Edit dashboard
Delete dashboard

Accessing Analytics 

Only users with Viewer or Creator licenses can access Analytics. For more information about licenses, see the Who can access Analytics? section in Overview of Historical Analytics.

To access Analytics, go to Analytics on the VCC admin portal menu. Existing default and custom (if available) dashboards are displayed either in tiles or in the table in applicable tabs. You can select the display mode you want to use when viewing dashboards, with an option to have different modes for default and custom dashboards.

Tile mode

Table mode

Your choice is stored in your browser's local storage; when you reopen Analytics in the same browser, Analytics respects the previous display view mode. Clearing your browser's local storage removes your display mode choice.

For information about available default dashboards, see Default Historical Analytics dashboards.

To view an existing dashboard, click the tile. The dashboard appears.

Accessing Analytics Dashboards

Displaying dashboards

To maximize the space available to display dashboards, you can:

Maximizing space for dashboards

Viewing dashboards

To view available dashboards, you need to have a Viewer or Creator license. When viewing an Analytics dashboard, you can filter the data on the dashboard using the filters at the top of the dashboard. To explore the data in an individual tile, click the three dots in the top-right corner and then click Explore from here. For more information about viewing dashboards in Looker, see Viewing dashboards (Looker help).

Creating a new dashboard

To create a new Analytics dashboard, you need a Creator license. Go to the Custom dashboards tab and click Create Dashboard in the top-right corner. Type a title for your dashboard in the dialog box that appears. Click Create dashboard. You are redirected to your newly created dashboard. By default, the dashboard is empty.

New empty dashboard

The newly created dashboard is saved in a collection of custom dashboards.

Copying existing dashboards

Copying an existing dashboard creates a new custom dashboard. If you have a Creator license, you can copy default or custom dashboards.

Default dashboards are not editable. To change a default dashboard, you must make a new copy; you can make changes to the new copy.

You can copy dashboards in two ways:

  1. From the tab with all displayed dashboards. Click the copy icon in the bottom-right of the tile.
  2. From an open dashboard. Click Copy in the top-right corner.
    Copy opened dashboard

When you have copied the dashboard, give it a name.

Copy dashboards new name

After providing a name, a new dashboard containing all tiles from the original dashboard appears. You can now change all tiles. The new dashboard is a custom dashboard and will be saved along with other custom dashboards.

Editing custom dashboards

If you have a Creator license, you can edit custom dashboards. To start editing a new or existing custom dashboard, click Edit Dashboard. When in edit mode, you can add new text or visualization tiles. You can also add filters and change dashboard settings. Anyone with a Creator license can perform all actions listed in the dashboard menu.

 Dashboard options with create license

Anyone with a Viewer license can only download a dashboard, reset filters and change viewer's time zone.

Dashboard options with view license

Creating a new tile in a custom dashboard

To add a tile to your dashboard, click Edit dashboard, either in the center of an empty dashboard, or from the menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard.

Empty dashboard

 Edit dashboard button

Existing dashboard

Edit dashboard button

When the dashboard is in edit mode, click Add Title, either in the center of an empty dashboard or from the configuration bar in the top-left corner of the dashboard.

Empty dashboard

Add tile button

Existing dashboard

Add tile button

Choose either Visualization or Text.

Creating a text tile

Add text tile to put some static text — title, subtitle, and body — on the dashboard. This text may describe the entire dashboard or a section of it. 

Creating a visualization tile

Add a visualization tile to display agent events or interaction events. Looker documentation refers to visualization tiles as query tiles. In a visualization — or query — tile, firstly choose an Explore depending on the data you want to display — either Agent Events, Groups, Interaction Events, Interaction Summary, Skills, or Users

Exploring data

After choosing an Explore (Agent Events, Groups, Interaction Events, Interaction Summary, Skills, or Users), you can see all the available data you can with on when creating a tile. On the left you can see s field picker containing filter-only fields, dimensions, and measures. Use the tooltip alongside each dimension and measure to see its description. For information about all the fields in each explore, see Historical Analytics fields.

Exploring data

To specify the data you want to appear in the tile, click required dimensions and measures. In Looker, dimensions appear as blue columns and measures appear as orange columns in the data table. Click Run to see the data.

The query shown below displays the total duration of agents' states by querying the Agent Explore and displaying one dimension (Agent Events — Event — State) and one measure (Total Duration). The data is not filtered and shows the total duration in the default unit — milliseconds.

Selecting fields

For more information about exploring and pivoting data, see Exploring data in Looker (Looker help). 

Filtering data

To filter results displayed in a data table, add dimensions or measures, or both, to the Filters section.

Click Run to apply the filters and display the results. 

The following query displays results from the previous example, but with filters applied.
The data displays the total duration of agents' states excluding LoggedOut state (1), in minutes (3), from the last 3 months (2).
The data is limited to show the first 10 results (4), ordered descending by Total Duration.

Filtering data

For more information about filtering and limiting data, see Filtering and limiting data (Looker help).

Visualizing data 

To choose the visualization type that is most suited to your needs, expand the Visualization section.
On the top bar, choose the type of the visualization. Each type has an option panel where you can configure visualization details, such as formatting values, showing labels and numbers, choosing color palettes etc. 

The following query displays results in a Table. The total duration is rounded to full minutes (Format: Decimals (0)).  

Bar chart visualization

The following query displays results in a pie chart. Value Labels is set to Labels, with a Label Type of Label - Percent.

Pie chart visualization

For more information about visualizing and option settings, see Creating visualizations and graphs (Looker help).

When you add or modify a tile, you must save that tile and save the dashboard otherwise your changes are lost.

Setting or changing default filter settings

When viewing dashboards, viewers can filter dashboard data according to available filter settings. Most dashboards have filters that refine the data in all the tiles on that dashboard. Newly created dashboards do not have filters until configured. Default dashboards are configured with default filter settings.

If you have a Creator license, you can create a new dashboard or copy a default dashboard and add or change default filters to meet your requirements.

To add a new filter to or change an existing filter on a dashboard, ensure that the dashboard is in edit mode and that it contains at least one tile.

To add a filter, click Filters, and then Add Filter. Select the dimension you want to filter by.
To change an existing filter, locate the filter that you want to modify, click the three dots alongside its name, and click Edit

To set the default filter value, change the value under Configure Default Value field. 

You can also change the filter's title and its type. To change the filter's type, click Control. The options available depend on the type of data you are filtering. In the example above, viewers can use date-related controls in the Data range filter to refine the data. 

When adding a new filter, specify tiles that are updated by the filter. To specify tiles, click Tiles To Update. On the list of tiles, select the ones you want to be updated by the filter and select the field you want to filter using the filter value. If you don't want to apply the filter to specific tiles, select Do not filter

When you have finished making changes, click Add or Update. As a final step, to save the whole dashboard, click Save in the top right corner. 

Changing default time zone 

All default dashboards display data by default in the viewer's time zone according to their browser’s configuration.

If you have a Creator license, you can create a new dashboard or copy a default dashboard, and change the default time zone.

To change the default time zone for a dashboard, ensure that the dashboard is in edit mode.

Click Settings. Settings appears. In Timezone, select the new default time zone.   

Default time zone

When you have finished making changes, click Save. As a final step, to save the whole dashboard, click Save in the top right corner.

Now all data in the tiles in the dashboard will be displayed in the selected time zone unless the viewer chooses a different time zone.

Scheduling delivery of a dashboard

If a user does not have access to Analytics, but you have a Creator or Viewer license, you can send the user an email containing a copy of a dashboard. You can send the email to an individual user or to a group recipients either immediately or on a repeat basis. To send a dashboard, you must be viewing the dashboard (not in edit mode). Go to Dashboard actions and click Schedule delivery.

Scheduling delivery of a dashboard

On the Settings tab, you can specify recurrence and time of delivery, list recipients' emails (comma separated), and choose the format to send the dashboard in.
The Filters tab allows you to narrow the results to include the most relevant data for specified recipients.
On the Advanced options tab you can configure the look of sent dashboard. (If you select PDF format on the Settings tab, we recommend that you select all three checkboxes to use most efficient PDF capabilities).

The following example shows the Weekly - Billing Gold - TeamLead schedule.
The dashboard will sent weekly, on Mondays at 9:00 AM (America - Los Angeles time zone).
Data will be filtered to include the last 30 days for the Monthly Queue Results tile, and the last 7 days for the Weekly Queue Results and Queue Outcomes tiles.
The dashboard will include only one queue — UCD Billing Gold Queue.
The dashboard will be sent in PDF format.

Scheduling delivery settings

Scheduling delivery filters

Scheduling delivery advanced options

Scheduling delivery done

To edit, duplicate or delete schedule, click the three dots icon next to schedule name in Schedules window. To send the report immediately, click Send now button.

For more information about visualizing and option settings, see Scheduling and sending dashboards (Looker help).

Downloading data

Anyone who can access Analytics can download dashboard data. To download data, the dashboard must be in view — not edit — mode. You can download either the whole dashboard or an individual tile.

Downloading whole dashboard

To download whole dashboard, go to Dashboard actions and click Download

When downloading the whole dashboard, you can choose from the following formats: 

Downloading an individual tile

To download a specific tile, click the three dots alongside its name and click Download data


You can choose from multiple formats to download data, including TXT, CSV, Excel Spreadsheet, and PNG. 

When you have selected the appropriate format, click Advanced data options (not available for PNG). Configure the settings for the data such as the order of data, the format of data values, and the number of rows and columns to include. 

We recommend that you always set Number of rows and columns to include to All results.

The All results option won't be available if you are using table calculations within the tile. You can either remove calculated fields or select the Custom option and specify the maximum number (100,000) of rows.    

Table calculations are represented in green under the Data section.

Deleting custom dashboards

To delete a custom dashboard, you need a Creator license.

You can delete a dashboard in two ways:

For more information about managing custom dashboards, see Editing dashboards (Looker help).