Delete sections as appropriate.

Date of release



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Dial List Locking Improvements (Enhancement)

Your System Admin must complete some manual steps to enable this change. For information about these steps, see Upgrading to latest version of Connect.

Salesforce administrator changes

This package completes a data migration process to move away from a Master-Detail relationship between Dial List Agent and Dial List to prevent unnecessary locking issues that may affect larger customers. Customers will be provided with manual steps to perform following this upgrade. For more information, see Upgrading to latest version of Connect.

When creating a Dial List, specify the phone fields the Progressive Dialler will automatically dial (Enhancement)

Enabled by default


The change to Dial List creation affects both Vonage Contact Center for Sales Select & Premium

Automatically progressing to the next call is only available with the Progressive Dialler.

Agent changes

When an agent uses Connect to dial, for example, a Contact then Connect previously used a phone number copied from the Contact at the time the Dial List was created or refreshed.

Now, Connect dials using phone numbers taken directly from the record related to the dial entry.

If the Progressive Dialler is enabled, after a call is dispositioned with a disposition code configured with the Next Call progression mode, Connect automatically dials the next number using order defined for the dial list.

Supervisor changes

When creating or editing a dial list a supervisor no longer chooses the primary and secondary phone fields.  Instead the supervisor can now specify several phone fields in the order they should be dialled.

When creating a dial list from a filter the phone fields are selected on the second screen of the dial list builder rather than the first screen.

You can also chose phone fields from objects related to the chosen Dial List object type, for example, when creating a list of Contacts, you can select phone fields from Account.

Handling records without phone numbers, deleted and inaccessible records

When an agent activates a dial entry, in the following two cases the dial entry will be automatically skipped and an unassigned processed dial entry will be created with an explanation appended to the description.

Salesforce administrator changes

There is no longer any need to configure the picklist dependencies between the VCCConnect__DialList.VCCConnect__Type__c field and VCCConnect__DialList.VCCConnect__Primary_Phone_Field__c  amd VCCConnect__DialList.VCCConnect__Secondary_Phone_Field__c.

When installing this package an upgrade script runs to migrate Dial Lists from the old to the new way of defining Dial List phone fields.

Connect Component UX/UI Enhancements

Your System Admin must add the Connect component or adjust its height

Agent changes

New look and feel in Salesforce Classic

In Sales Cloud and the Service Cloud console the Connect component has been updated inline with the current Vonage Contact Center branding.

Stop button user experience

Previously clicking Stop during a call would have no effect.

Now, if Stop is clicked during a call, the Dialler displays "stopping after current call" and stops automatically when the call ends.

This enhancement make it easier for Progressive Dialler users to finish their work.

Bug fixes

We resolved the following issues:

Salesforce administrator changes

Your administrator must complete the following configuration tasks

Salesforce Classic

Configure the Connect console component to a height of 185 pixels (see Adding Connect to a console app in Salesforce Classic).

Lightning Experience

Configure the Lightning Utility Bar for the Dialler to a height of 220px (see Adding Connect to the utility bar in Salesforce Lightning Experience).

Enabling Features (Enhancement)

The following pilot and optional features have been simplified in this version

Progressive Dialler

This functionality must now be enabled for your Vonage Contact Center account.  Please speak to Vonage Contact Center to enable this feature.

Custom Settings Flags

The following flags can be safely removed after upgrading to this version:



This flag no longer has any effect and can be removed
MULTI_LIST_CLIENT_CONTROLThis flag enabled a performance enhancement for the Connect component that is now the default behaviour
DISABLE_SYNCHRONOUS_REFRESHESThis experimental feature has been removed
DYNAMIC_PHONE_FIELDSPreviously enabled pilot functionality which is now the default behaviour
ENABLE_PROGRESSIVE_DIALLERThis flag no longer has any affect and can be removed