Virtual Agent applet

The Virtual Agent applet routes a call to a session with a virtual agent. The virtual agent session must have been previously created within Virtual Assistant on the Vonage AI system using a Data Connector applet. A separate virtual agent session should be created for each interaction; set details about the agent session dynamically from data sources or IVR slots.

Data sources and IVR slots

Data sources and IVR slots are placeholders for values at run time. VCC replaces the placeholders with values for the target numbers before transferring the call.

Use the following format to specify a placeholder for a data source or IVR slot:



Virtual Agent NumberNumber, Data Source, or IVR Slot

The number for the virtual agent that will handle the interaction. Get this number from the Vonage AI Studio.

The number should be for the same agent that was used to initialize the session.

Set Virtual Agent Number to one of the following values:

  • The agent's virtual number, for example +441234567890
  • The name of a data source or IVR slot, for example $(TargetNumber)
  • A combination of numbers, data sources, and IVR slots, for example +441234($FirstPart)($SecondPart)
Vonage AI Session IdNumber, Data Source, or IVR Slot

The session ID that was previously created for this interaction.

Set Vonage AI Session Id to one of the following values:

  • The interaction's session Id, for example 2f522e0b-b02e-4020-bba8-f92a3fb75d48
  • The name of a data source or IVR slot, for example $(VirtualAgentSessionId)


Next AppletList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to when interaction with the virtual agent is completed.

Next Applet On FailureList of available appletsThe applet that the call is routed to if the interaction cannot be transferred to the virtual agent.
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For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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