
Releasing an interaction using the Interactions API, removes (and effectively deletes) a not-yet-assigned interaction from VCC or ends the agent’s current relationship with it.

You can only release an interaction you previously routed using the POST /Invoke endpoint of the Interactions API. You must have assigned the interaction an externalid and made a note of it. The interaction’s externalid is a unique reference to it. For information about routing an interaction using the Interactions API, see How to route an interaction using the Interactions API (without registering a provider) or How to register a provider and route interactions using the Interactions API.

Preparing your request

Right, so you know how to use VCC APIs, and you’ve got an interaction waiting to be released… Finally you can get started with using the Interactions API.

Currently there are just two actions in the Interactions API: Invoke and Register. We can ignore the Register action at this point. The Invoke action’s endpoint—POST /Invoke—invokes an interaction plan, and can be used to route an interaction through the plan or release an existing interaction from VCC.

Request URL

The format for the POST /Invoke request URL is:


Request parameters

The POST /Invoke endpoint requires the following parameters:

Invocation object

The Invocation is a JSON object that contains two properties:

Using the example above, provide the following information in your Interaction object:


Example Invocation object

      "action": "release",
      "requestid": "uniqueRequestId",
      "externalid": "existingInteractionId",

Putting it all together

Using a tool for making API requests, send the required parameters in your request.

Example request

The bearer access token has been replaced with <access_token>.

  -H "accept: accept: application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v1+json"
  -H "authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
  -H "content-type: application/json"
  -d '{
        "action": "release",
        "requestid": "uniqueRequestId",
        "externalid": "existingInteractionId",

This example sends a request to the /Invoke end point, passing in the required headers and the Invocation object. The object contains a single Interaction object. The request releases the interaction with the specified externalid from VCC or the assigned agent.

If our request is successful, we will receive a 200 Success response.