Historical Analytics licenses and access

Only users who are assigned a Historical Analytics license can access Historical Analytics. Users can have either a Viewer or a Creator license for Historical Analytics.

In this page

Historical Analytics default license model

Viewer licenses

Viewer licenses are assigned to all VCC admin users. Viewer licenses assigned to admin users by default are for admin users only. These licenses cannot be transferred to supervisor users. Viewers licenses for supervisor users must be purchased.

Creator licenses

One Creator license is available for each account. The Creator license can be assigned to either an admin or a supervisor user; the license can be transferred between users. If you have multiple VCC accounts you will need to share the Creator license between the accounts or purchase additional Creator licenses.

Supervisor access to Historical Analytics

Supervisors don't have access to Historical Analytics as part of the default license model. Because Historical Analytics offers access to all data without restriction, only admin users will have Viewer licenses assigned to them by default. You must decide whether to give supervisors access to Historical Analytics. If so, you can purchase Viewer licenses that can be assigned to supervisors.

If you don’t want to give Historical Analytics access to supervisors, users can share reports in other ways.

Scheduled delivery

Admin users can schedule regular delivery of Historical Analytics dashboards containing only data that recipients should access. For more details, see Scheduling delivery of a dashboard in Using Historical Analytics.

Downloading data

Admin users can download Historical Analytics dashboards and share them with supervisors. For more details, see Downloading data in Using Historical Analytics.

Additional Historical Analytics licenses

To purchase additional Historical Analytics licenses (Viewer or Creator), contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager.

Only supervisors and administrators can be assigned Historical Analytics licenses.

When you have purchased new licenses, or want to transfer existing licenses to other users, you must assign the licenses to specific users in User Admin. For information about assigning Historical Analytics licenses, see Configuring Historical Analytics access.

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