Resources (User Admin API)

You can currently use the User Admin API to access the following resources:

  • Users. User items represent users and their data. Users include users of all types: NvmAdmin (Vonage Contact Center use only), Admin, Supervisor, Wallboard, Agent.
  • User callback numbers. User callback number items represent callback numbers belonging to a specific user.
  • User schedules. User schedule items represent schedules assigned to a specific user.
  • User groups. User group items represent groups that a specific user is in.
  • User skills. User skill items represent skills assigned to a specific user.
  • User permissions. The API returns several different user permission resources:
    • User group permissions. User group permission items represent a group that a specific user has access to and the level of access they have.
    • User address permissions. User address permission items represent an address that a specific user has access to.
    • User interaction plan permissions. User interaction plan permission items represent an interaction plan that a specific user has access to.
    • User queue permissions. User queue permission items represent a queue that a specific user has access to and the level of access they have.
  • Skills. Skill items represent the skills within an account that the requester has access to. The API can return a list of the users who have that skill and the level of skill they have.
  • Groups. Group items represent the groups within an account that the requester has access to. The API can return a list of the users who are in a specific group.