How do I set up users in Salesforce so that they can perform Vonage Contact Center-related tasks?

To use Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce, you must create users in both Vonage Contact Center and Salesforce. We recommend that you read through the following information before creating your users.

Creating Salesforce users

You must have the following Salesforce users:

When you have created your users, you must assign appropriate permissions. For information about these settings, see the Permissions sets (all users) section later in this page. You must also perform some additional tasks for agents and apply additional settings to the API user. For more information, see the Additional steps (agents only) and Additional settings (API user only) sections later in this page.

Permission sets (all users)

To enable users to perform the appropriate Vonage Contact Center-related tasks for their type in Salesforce, you must assign appropriate permissions to the users. We recommend assigning the following permission sets to the users.

Depending on the configuration of your Salesforce org, you may choose to configure the permissions differently.

For information about applying permission sets, see Assign Permission Sets to a Single User (Salesforce help) and Assign a Permission Set to Multiple Users (Salesforce help).

Additional steps (agents only)

To enable a user to use Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce as an agent, you must perform some additional tasks. For information about these tasks, see Setting up Vonage Contact Center agents in Salesforce.

Additional settings (API user only)

Your API user also requires:

Creating Vonage Contact Center users

For each of the Salesforce users you want to use Vonage Contact Center, you must have a Vonage Contact Center user (agents, supervisors and administrators) set up in Vonage Contact Center. For information about creating Vonage Contact Center users, see User Admin.

If you already have your Salesforce users but do not yet have Vonage Contact Center users, you can create Vonage Contact Center users from your Salesforce users. For information about creating Vonage Contact Center users for existing Salesforce users, see Creating Vonage Contact Center user accounts for existing Salesforce users.

If you already have your Vonage Contact Center agents set up, link these agents to their corresponding Salesforce agent. For information about linking Vonage Contact Center agents to their Salesforce agent, see Setting up Vonage Contact Center agents in Salesforce.