Working with Vonage Call Summary records

Vonage Call Summary records contain a significant amount of statistical data.

In this page

How do I access Vonage Call Summary records?

To access Vonage Call Summary records, go to the Vonage Call Summaries tab. Optionally enable the tab for specified user profiles. If you are using Lightning Experience, you will need to add the Vonage Call Summaries tab to Lightning apps as required.

Open an available view and click to open an Vonage Call Summary record.

What does the information mean?

The Vonage Call Summary record page comprises visualizations of the events which took place on a call or other kind of interaction, plus approximately 80 fields of data.

For information about the fields on an Vonage Call Summary record, see Vonage Call Summary fields.

The visualizations are interactive. If you click the visualization of the call and a recording is available, the recording of the call plays. You must be logged in to Vonage Contact Center in another browser tab or using single sign-on with sufficient access for the recording to play.

The Call Plan Path visualization for inbound interactions displays a comparison of the current interaction with others over a specified period of time. The visualization shows how many interactions took a particular path and the average time spent in each step, along with the number of abandoned interactions.

Call Plan Path

How do I use the Conversation Analyzer in an Vonage Call Summary record?

If the Conversation Analyzer feature is enabled and configured for your account, you can also see the Conversation Analyzer section at the top of the page. For information about the contents of and how to use the Conversation Analyzer, see Listening to, viewing, and commenting on interaction content.

Advanced Reporting and Statistics might also have retrieved and stored call recording analytics data. You can see this data in the percentage fields in the Caller and Agent Related section. If a transcript of the call has been retrieved, you will see the transcript in the Call Transcription section.

Depending on the configuration of Advanced Reporting and Statistics, you might also see category and subcategory data in a Categories section.

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