Using Vonage Premier for Service Cloud Voice

Vonage for Service Cloud Voice integrates Vonage Contact Center (VCC) with Salesforce's Service Cloud Voice. For information about Service Cloud Voice and its benefits, see Service Cloud Voice (Salesforce help). Vonage for Service Cloud Voice enables Salesforce to deliver these benefits using VCC.

Refresh Salesforce

When a feature is turned on, you must refresh Salesforce if it is open in a browser window. This ensures that the new behavior takes effect. If the feature is later turned off, you must refresh Salesforce again.

For information about using Service Cloud Voice features, see Help Customers on the Phone (Salesforce help).

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.