Requests (Webhooks API)

Beta/Early Access Program

This API is in the Beta/Early Access Program and is still under development. If you are interested in using this API, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager. Participation in this pilot program is at the discretion of Product Management and not guaranteed.

Use of this API outside of the program is prohibited.

Request parameters

Path parameters

In requests to some API endpoints you can provide your own values in place of path parameters.

For example, in the GET /webhooks/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} endpoint, you must replace {subscriptionId} with the real value for the subscription you require.

Path parameters are required.

Header parameters

All Webhooks API requests require the following header parameters:


Required The accept header describes the content types that the response can return. The content-type of the Webhooks API’s responses is always in JSON format so you must set the accept header to accept JSON. You must also specify the version of the API you are using.

Example application/vnd.newvoicemedia.v1+json


Required To make a request to the Webhooks API, you must provide your bearer access token in the authorization header.

You get your bearer access token from the Authentication API. For information about getting and using your bearer access token, see How to authenticate with a Vonage Contact Center API.

Request body parameters

In the Webhooks API,  the POST /subscription (Create a subscription) and PATCH /v1/subscription (Update a subscription) endpoints accept request body parameters.

  • subscriptionId — The unique identifier for the subscription. This ID can be used to edit or delete the subscription.
  • name — The name of the subscription, specified during the creation of the subscription. The name must be unique.
  • url — The URL that the webhook events are sent to. It must be a fully qualified http or https URL.
  • events — A list of the types of events you want to receive webhook notifications for. Each item in the list must be the name of an event type. You can get a list of event types to discover their names. You can subscribe to sets of event types using a wildcard.
  • enabled — Notifications will only be sent to the URL if the subscription is enabled.
  • secret — The secret used to sign notifications.