Agent Status

Agent Status represents an agent’s current set of activities. The GET /agent-status endpoint gets information about the current status of each agent’s activities. This information includes their presence, workload and interaction activities.

An Agent Status is comprised of three types of agent activities:

  • Interaction. Agent interaction activities indicate that an agent is assigned to and is performing tasks on one or more interactions. An agent can be working on many interactions at any time.
  • Presence. Agent presence activities represent an agent’s availability to receive and to work on new interactions. An agent can have a single presence at any time.
  • Workload. Agent workload activities are the number and type of interactions that the agent is working on. An agent can have a single workload state at any time.

Each returned activity includes when the activity started in the since parameter.

Results are sorted by start time in ascending order.

You can poll the GET /agent-status endpoint at regular intervals.

Note that data for all your agents will be returned. This includes agents who are inactive.

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